

この前山口県の須佐エコロジーキャンプ場でジャカランダの木を植えました。この木は3,4年前に僕がジャカランダの種を須佐に渡しました。去年の夏の大災害 にも生き超えて、ここまで大きくなって、この日からは、何時もお世話になっているエコロジーキャンプの広場の満々中に植えました。




Earlier this year at the village of Susa, of Yamaguchi Prefecture, we had a planting of Jacaranda at the Ecology Camp. This small plant had grown from a tiny seed that I presented to Mr Yoshida 3,4yrs ago. It miraculously survived the terrible flood from last summer, and we were able to plant it in the middle of the top oval of the Ecology Camp, overlooking the sea.

This day was the 28th of June, 2014. They jokingly said to name the day "MASAKI Day" but I thought "Jacaranda Day" sounded pretty good.

I hope this little guy will grow up well, and flower soon!